המרות משופרות ENHANCED CONVERSIONS גוגל אדס

What are Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads and Should You Use Them?

What are Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads and Should You Use Them?

The Entire Digital Advertising World is Built on Measurement
Measurement of user activity,
Measurement of money,

And on the other side, there are laws that need to be followed,
Laws concerning the privacy of citizens in different countries, laws on data usage, personal information, etc.

So, how is this related to us? And how is it related to Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads that have become a significant part of our advertising lives?

תוכן עניינים

תמונה של Shach


1. Background on Conversions and Tracking Our Campaign Performance

Conversions Are the Crucial Actions for Our Business That We Want Users to Perform
Such as calling us, leaving their details, or purchasing something from our online store.

Smart systems can identify everything that happens from the moment a user is exposed to our ad until the moment they perform the desired action.

How does this happen? And why is it important for us to understand what to do?

That’s what our article is about.

2. The Wild West of Cookies - How Has Conversion Tracking Been Until Now?

The Google Ads system provided us with a tracking code that was integrated into our website.

When a user performed an action, it was recorded in the system.

This initiated a sophisticated data retention chain that was later used for remarketing purposes, as well as for trading user lists without their explicit consent.

Over time, laws were introduced in Europe and later in other countries to regulate this “Wild West” of tracking codes, conversion codes, and cookies.

Cookies are small, seemingly harmless records that contain information. When data is stored securely and with the user’s consent, everything is fine. However, what happens if there was no such consent?

This is where the difference between first-party cookies and third-party cookies comes in. First-party cookies are created by our own website for our private use, while third-party cookies are created by other entities for purposes beyond our direct control.

First-party cookies are stored directly by the website or domain the user is visiting. These cookies are often used to enhance user experience and remember user preferences.

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are set by domains that are not the website the user is visiting. They are often used for tracking users across multiple sites for advertising purposes, which has raised significant privacy concerns.

3. The Impact of Cookie Policy Changes

Apple, the owner of iPhone, iPad, Mac, MacBook, etc., started blocking everything that is not approved by users, and then blocked third-party cookies. This caused advertising systems to not receive feedback and data that tells them what happened after the click!

A serious problem.

So we had to start working on technologies that would know how to bypass this problem –

One of them is using the information that the surfer provides himself – such as email and phone and name.

And once the surfer provides this information and allows us as site owners to use it according to the privacy policy we publish on the

4. When do we get to the part about Enhanced Conversions?

Now, Enhanced Conversions come in exactly to close this gap for us when we’re using Google Ads advertising system.

What happens is that the moment a user converts on our site, let’s say they leave an email – at that very moment, we take their email and tell the Google Ads system that the user has taken an important action that we want to associate with the click they made on the ad they were exposed to.

And suddenly, we have a much higher-quality connection between our advertising and the important details of the user that will stay with us for as long as we want.

And this is called Enhanced Conversions – because we’re not relying on some generic code that, while smart, isn’t quite quality enough for us in the long run. Instead, we have the real deal – Enhanced Conversions.

5. Is it worthwhile for us to use Enhanced Conversions?

The answer is – of course, yes, and the sooner, the better!

The implementation may not be immediate, but it’s worth investing the time and resources to do it right the first time.

Afterward, it reports every time we have a campaign running and gaining conversions. (For a review of types of campaigns in Google Ads, you can find it here >>)

Moreover, we can also use all this wonderful information to do remarketing to those good users who brought us money.

For example, in our Google Ads PPC course on the website – everyone who registers immediately becomes an enhanced conversion.

An important point – enhanced conversions always come under security – HASHED – which means the details are encrypted before they pass from platform to platform!

לסיכום. What's the next step?

Very simple – start using Enhanced Conversions today.

Talk to your technical person, which might even be you, and implement it on your website.

You’ll see the results immediately once it’s working as it should.

Feel free to discover why it’s worth integrating Google Analytics on your website.

And if you want to enrich your knowledge even more – here’s the page about the Google Ads certification exam >>.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask here on the site, Ilnet – the 1st on Google, or to get in touch.

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